Family Memories In The Making

My husband and I have been enjoying every special moment with our daughter but her Baptism, Halloween and Thanksgiving were extra fun! We love to incorporate creativity into our every day lives and are excited to build traditions for our family!

We were excited to have a Baptism for Luciana because it is tradition in our families. We wanted her Godmother to dress her, to enjoy the ceremony with family and close friends, and have an Italian butter cream cake to celebrate afterward. So that is just what we did! We had her dress made from my mom’s wedding gown and I bought her her first bracelet with her name on it! She was such an angel the whole day!

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For Halloween, we decided to dress as Disney’s The Incredibles. We walked in our town’s Halloween Parade and won first prize for the best family costume! We even made it into the local paper (they spelled our baby’s name wrong but that’s okay, we were still excited!) I even made sewed parts of our costumes myself and we pieced together the rest!IMG_1323IMG_1611 We also dressed up to take the baby to our favorite neighbor’s houses to trick-or-treat! I made Luciana a personalized bag for her candy! I hope she likes to use it every year!!


And for Thanksgiving we made pumpkin spice chocolate chip pancakes in our comfies (pajamas), watched the Macy’s Parade, traveled to see Frank’s side of the family at their Thanksgiving, and then wandered over to see my side of the family for their Thanksgiving!

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We are so very blessed!

Thanks for reading.

Favorites of the Grammys 2013!

I am not normally an awards show kind of girl but I like the Grammys because of some of the incredible performances. To see Adam Levine and Alicia Keys vibe off of each other to create this awesome performance was the best experience for me while watching! Alicia on drums really got me!

Watching it again this morning confirmed what I felt last night! I could watch it over and over again! Enjoy….


CLICK THE PHOTO to see the performance on YOUTUBE!

Some other highlights, Justin Timberlake’s performance and Florence Welsh’s unique emerald gown and accessories!

Thank you ABC News,, for the photos and Kejaahv for the video!